Other Gifts

Donor-Advised Fund

Make an irrevocable gift to a fund maintained by a charitable organization and enjoy an income tax charitable deduction for the full amount of the gift. As the name implies, you can advise the fund regarding distribution; however, you may not place material restrictions on the fund.

Revocable Living Trust

Create a trust that can be revoked or changed during your lifetime that directs the disposition of your assets, including charitable gifts. A revocable living trust can minimize the cost and delays associated with probate, facilitate asset transfer, provide privacy and, unlike a will, ensure asset management continuity in the event of disability.

Gift from an IRA

Transfer up to $105,000 (annual aggregate amount in 2024) directly from an IRA to us. The gift, available to those age 70½ or over, counts toward your RMD if one is due, and you pay no tax on the distribution.

Retained Life Estate

Donate a home and retain the right to live in the property for the rest of your life. Qualify for a current income tax charitable deduction for the value of our remainder interest in the home.

Charitable Lead Trust

Create a charitable lead trust that benefits us for a number of years, returns assets to your beneficiaries, and minimizes taxes.

Life Insurance

Simply make us the primary or contingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy, make a gift of a paid-up policy, or use life insurance to replace gifted assets so your heirs receive the full amount you intended for them.

Contact us for more information about additional methods of giving.